“Prophecy for 2020”
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – January 1, 2020

PRAYER & PROPHECY: On December 30, 2019, during an early morning prayer call, God the Holy Spirit manifested His presence and power in a sovereign way. Among other things, tongues and interpretation came forth and said that 2020 will be better. (Ask Him what that means for each of you.) Two deaths occurred at a church in White Settlement, TX, on December 29, 2019, and we are still grieving the passing of the nine who died in the helicopter crash killing Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gianna, and the other names who are not famous but equally important. God says He is raising up prayer, and we are to raise the dead in church, in Walmart, and in the grocery store. A word that is almost a buzz word in Pentecostal/Charismatic circles is the word “revival,” but let us not get jaded with that word. God the Holy Ghost is sweeping the land, and there will be a move of the Spirit throughout the whole earth. There will be worldwide, global revival. Revival, revival, revival …. The key to not remaining dry, weary, or jaded is to be refreshed in God the Holy Ghost. We must constantly be refreshed, for weariness and discouragement try to latch onto us to deter us and to remove our vision and our hope. Look UP concerning our government and the things that have been prophesied concerning America and Israel, the power twins. America’s stand with Israel pleases God, and may we keep praying for President Trump. God is not through with him.

On the prayer call, God reminded us that He always wins, and He said, “Don’t worry! I win!” God wins. God wins. God wins! God always has the ultimate victory. There was personal prophecy and a powerful reminder that God is ON IT. After all, He is God, and He is sovereign. He uses us to do His bidding and to align our prayers with heaven. Bring remedy to people. Bring hope. Bring compassion. Bring joy. Bring encouragement that He’s supernatural, and do not try to over explain the things of God or His ways. He will reveal Who He is by His Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God.

“2018 a Year of Exceeding Fruitfulness”
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – January 1, 2018

I am finally putting keyboard to computer (used to be pen to paper) some of the things that God has been speaking to my spirit in expectation of this year, 2018. For me personally, I am going through a precious cleansing of my heart. It is beautiful. It is deep, and it is pervasive.

This is going to be a year of reconciliation, restoration, and unity. Relationships that were lost will be restored, fathers will turn their hearts to their children, separated spouses will turn back to one another, and friendships that were torn and ripped apart will find their way back towards each other. People whom you haven’t heard from in years will seem to come out of the woodwork because the timing for restoration has arrived. It will also be a season of ministries joining together and people whom you never dreamed you would work with, you will find yourself coming together in unity for God’s glory and kingdom purposes. There are “tattooed giants” whose trials have shaped them with compassion, faith, patience, and wisdom. Nothing they have gone through will be wasted. The past will be a distant memory and old wounds will be washed away by the blood of Jesus whose glorious imprint will make inroads to new opportunities for growth.

A major theme this year comes from Genesis 17:6, when God changed Abram’s name from Abram to Abraham. It reads, “I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.” The “exceedingly fruitful” will come as a deeper quality of the nature and character of Jesus Christ is manifested through us. This is a year to ENJOY and ENGAGE with God like never before. We will fall more in love with Him like lovers in the Song of Solomon. Many say, “Seek His face, not His hand.” The motivation behind this is true, but the good news is that Genesis 25:5-6 says, “And Abraham gave ALL that he had to Isaac. But Abraham gave gifts to the sons of the concubines ….” As children of God and joint-heirs of Jesus Christ, we have access to ALL of who God is and what He has prepared for us—His Face, His Hand, His Spirit …. Faith without works is dead. Faith without love is dead; and love without Grace and Truth is impossible.

What a year! What a year! What a year! Both the Jewish year and the Gregorian year end in “8”. The “New” has come, and there will be blessed surprises and refreshing projects that you will not feel alone in as you pursue the Father and follow His Cloud in 2018. It’s a new season; it’s a new day! God’s glory is here to stay, to draw His creation in a brand new way. What a great rejoicing is here today!

“Manifest Destiny through the Heart of God”
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – January 1, 2017

Manifest Destiny was and is a controversial concept concerning westward expansion that was developed in the 1800s but that started as far back as 1492. In God’s system of government, however, Manifest Destiny is the certainty of the demonstration of the power of God. In this hour—the Kingdom Age, the Age of Grace, God wants His people to demonstrate who He is everywhere we go, by manifesting His heart, His love, and His power. If we will do it in this order, then 2017 will be known as a year of great demonstration—of not just talk, but ACTION, of not just movement, but UNCTION. God will always confirm His Word with signs following, and it is to be a year of “doing the stuff,” not just surmising and constant strategizing, but of flowing in confidence to live out the training that so many have had. Some do not need one more class, one more prophetic word, one more self-esteem boost to do what they already know to do. I sense The Lord saying: I will meet you at the end of your faith. I will be in your boldness. Proverbs 28:1 states, “The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.” This is an hour for you to know that you’ve come into the kingdom for such a time as this. This is an hour for you to step up, walk in, and live out your destiny and purpose like never before. Redeem the time. Don’t just read the steps. Demonstrate them. Don’t just read the book. Be the book.

Some will ask, “Where’ve you been all my life?” Humility and obedience will precede you, grace and truth will keep you, and the joy of The Lord is your strength. It’s time, it’s time, it’s time! Past time … but many have caught up with the purpose for their life, and the excitement is real for what is going to be displayed. It’s a new day. (You’ve heard this before.) It’s a new season. (You’ve heard that before.) So, what are you going to do about it? Step in! Step up! Step out! There are giants in the land … US! Remember the words of Joshua 1:8, and know it is your destiny to manifest Jesus everywhere you go, to reveal a Heart that still bursts with love to manifest His Son. Manifest Destiny. Selah.

“Personal Revival”
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – January 7, 2016

2016 is a year of great glory, particularly in the area of personal revival. This is important because many continue to look for revival outside of themselves without remembering Romans 8:18, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in US,” and Eph. 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within US,” (emphasis mine).

As a life coach, I am very aware of natural, very practical ways in which to bring about personal transformation—but I want to encourage us that God makes no apology for enlisting supernatural help and even the spectacular in order to bring about personal transformation. Jacob was left alone and wrestled with an angel who pulled his hip socket out of joint to manifest a character and a name change that would label his posterity.

If you’ve felt that you’re banging your head against a brick wall on behalf of yourself or someone else, discouraged at how long things are taking–remember Hagar’s revelation about God in Genesis 16:13 (Hebrew “El roi” God never sleeps, He sees, He is aware). As we continue to abide in Him, help is on the way! He will get the job done without a minute to waste, and not a minute too soon.

I repeat—great change will occur this year, particularly in the area of personal revival. Stop looking far outside yourself for someone else to bring it. God has heard the cry of your heart, “Lord, show me Your glory.” A twist for some, however, is that God also wants to “Show you the money” in order to entrust TRUE riches to your care, Luke 16:11-12. But no get rich quick schemes and no incessant hype, but instead, God wants us to have our financial houses in order this year so that He can overlay us with gold, 2 Chron. 4:19-22. There’ll be greater manifestations of His glory in our personal lives as we continue to walk and abide in Him.

So … greater glory of God, greater glory of God, greater glory of God because people have been discouraged about ISIS or that the government will have the last say, but I hear His still, small voice saying, “I have the last say, and the 1st say, and the middle say, and whatever I say … goes.” His grace is sufficient, and as we align ourselves with Him, we won’t miss out on what He’s doing and saying both through His written and His spoken Word. Line up. Get in line. Stay in line. You’re going to get a blast, and it’s going to BE a blast as we’re partnered in line with Him. Yes. We’ve heard it, and it’s true … the best is yet to come.

“Shift and Change”
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – August 22, 2015

“Shift & Change has come, and Shift & Change has come. There will be people making new moves, changing jobs, moving into new relationships, leaving old relationships behind, and it will be of Me,” says the Lord. “When it is of Me, it brings productivity. When it is not of Me, it brings destruction. I am properly aligning and moving people into places and positions of influence and fruitfulness. Shift & Change is here, Shift & Change is here. Be encouraged, be open, and yield to the winds of change that the Holy Ghost is blowing your way. Let it catch you up and land you where He wants you to be.”

When change comes from God it is for the greater good. When the proper timing of change happens, it brings healing, deliverance, blessing, and manifestation of purpose.

“I Always Triumph” 
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – June 26, 2015

“There will be a mass deliverance from bondages and the captives will be set free. Hold your heads up! My healing, My deliverance, My setting the captives free has NOT changed. I am the same God yesterday, today, and forever, and My healing, delivering heart will be poured out on whomsoever will. Those who are called, and have been prepared, and who have cried out to be used by Me–now is your time. My message of grace goes before you, and you will preach and teach with power. You will preach and teach with mercy, and you will preach and teach with love. You will preach and teach in faith, and you will preach and teach with miracles, signs, and wonders. I always save the best wine for last, and I make no mistakes. Why are you weary? Why are you feeling low? The sons of this world are not to be more shrewd in their generation than the Sons of Light. You will know my strategies. You will know what to say. I will lead you in wise-decision making for a strategic manifestation of My Spirit. My Glory is here, and eyes will be opened to Who I Am. Your wayward sons and daughters are coming home, and do not believe that evil triumphs over mercy. I TRIUMPH!” says the Lord. “Indeed, I always TRIUMPH.”

through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – April 26, 2015

On January 10, 1901, in a salt dome oil field named Spindletop in Beaumont, TX, was the greatest oil gusher (a large & abundant flow) the world had ever seen. It began the Texas Oil Boom and produced more than 100, 000 barrels of oil per day. It was a turning point for Texas and the United States, and the U.S. soon became the world’s leading oil producer.

I Corinthians 15:46, speaking of the first man, Adam, and the last man, Jesus, reads, “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” If the 1st Spindletop was “Adam,” then this coming Spindletop, this gusher of the Spirit, will be led by Jesus, the Head of the Church, through the Holy Ghost. Like Isaiah’s heavenly vision, when he saw the worshiping seraphim in chapter 6, verse 3, “And one cried to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!’ ” And in Numbers 14:21, when God swears by Himself, “But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD,” this spiritual gusher will reveal the glory of God in all of the earth.

It will not be known as a traditional revival. It will start in the Southwestern U.S. in homage to Spindletop as a presage and a sign of what is to come. There will be manifestations of the Spirit that will involve the saints on earth working with the saints in heaven since we are one family in heaven and on earth, Ephesians 3:15. It will spread throughout the land and simultaneous eruptions will occur around the world. Oil, oil, oil … the oil of the Holy Ghost will flow, flow, flow everywhere, everywhere, and we will understand biblical manifestations like we have never understood them before or known them to be—literal … the literal has come. The literal has come. The actual, real, true manifestations that have been seen in visions, and dreamt in dreams, but now—the tangible has come. It will shock those who are not ready and revive those who have been waiting with the breath of the Holy Ghost. So, get ready, get ready, get ready; receive hope, receive hope, receive hope; stay faithful, stay faithful, stay faithful; and encourage, encourage, encourage. Encourage people everywhere you go to be prepared to give an answer to those who ask them for the reason for their hope. Tell them, it is Jesus and His glory being revealed.

“2015 a Year of Answered Prayer … Mine” says The Lord
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – December 31, 2014

“Jesus ever lives to make intercession for you. When you think of answers to prayer–don’t just think of your own–think of your Elder Brother’s, The One who ever lives to make intercession for you. Precious and costly is the blood you’ve been purchased with. The death angel has passed because of the blood, and angels who deliver answers to prayer have been released because of the blood–even the Angel of The Lord who delivers answers to prayer has come your way. This is not only for you,” says The Lord. “This is for Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Yes, My Son, Jesus. Angels watch over My word to perform it & they, by My Spirit, will bring it to pass. You will experience great angelic activity in this hour, and you will have great strength to obey Me. Your faith will not fail. Jesus has prayed that it would be so–and I am answering His prayer.”

A Word to the Weary, Worn, & Grieving
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – November 29, 2014

“Do not think it strange when you go through fiery trials and suffering, as if some strange thing has happened to you. Don’t you know that the testing of your faith is more precious than gold, and yes, it is tested by fire? So, look up and keep your heads up. Job was tested and suffered and became My trophy to show off to the world because he did not curse Me and die. You are My trophy and My masterpiece, a royal priesthood, a part of a chosen generation, created for the praise of My glorious grace, with which I have blessed you in the Beloved. The race is not to the swift nor to the strong, but to those who endure to the end. So look up, look up, look up, for your redemption is near. There is a plan,” says the Lord, “and there is a purpose in everything I do. And if I allow it—I have a plan. And if I disallow it—I have a plan. There is nothing I cannot do in order to bring you through. I will bring you out. I will bring you over. I will bring you up. I am not through with you. I will fulfill what belongs to Me. I will fulfill who belongs to Me. Lean not to your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.”

Prophetic Word
through Carmen Aiken-Isaac – March 13, 2014

We are living in biblically exciting times, with an emphasis on the word “biblical.” This year alone is the beginning of seismic shift, change, and revelation, and experiences in the Word that many have just read and/or heard about. It is exploit time in the body of Christ and in the kingdom of God, with no apologies. Heaven has come down to earth, and there is a marriage of God and His people moving and operating in the Spirit like never before. We will see a great increase in the Church BEING the New Testament Church and living and walking in the Spirit. Hungry spiritual hearts will be fed, and thirsty, dry souls will be quenched by the power, the presence, and the manifestation of God. Some have dreamed this, others have prophesied it, and the Bible has already made great declaration about these last days. It’s time. It’s time. It’s time, and it’s here. The glory of God has come.